Let Your Pond Breathe!
You’ve waited all winter to spend time enjoying your pond. Now make the most of it, and help your pond be the healthiest it can be! When a pond is fresh and new, it’s water is usually at its clearest....
You’ve waited all winter to spend time enjoying your pond. Now make the most of it, and help your pond be the healthiest it can be! When a pond is fresh and new, it’s water is usually at its clearest....
Pond muck or sludge is a buildup of blackish, smelly, tar-like goop found at the bottom of many lakes and ponds. It is mostly organic matter, but it's gross. Most of it is actually made up of fish waste and decaying...
Far and away the most common problem that we see in ponds is a lack of air - or more specifically Dissolved Oxygen (DO). Nutrients are continually being added to a pond by fish wastes, bird droppings, run-off, yard debris,...