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  • Cleaves organics in the waste stream so they do not reform
  • Acts as a wetting agent and emulsifier
  • Improves settling
  • Improves water quality and clarity
  • Decreases maintenance issues
  • Removes malodors
  • Achieves a balanced biota

5-Gallon Pail

Volume: 5 Gallons

Ship Weight: 47 lb


15-Gallon Drum

Volume: 15 Gallons

Ship Weight: 137 lb


55-Gallon Drum

Volume: 55 Gallons

Ship Weight: 495 lb



Usage Rate

  • Aerated Basins: 4 ppm for each 300 ppm BOD; dilute recommended dose 1:100 through a metering pump; apply flow proportionately
  • Anaerobic Lagoons: 25-50 ppm to volume; then treat influent flow proportionately at 25-50 ppm; dilute recommended dose 1:100 through a metering pump
  • Wet wells & lift stations: 25-50 ppm to flow; dilute recommended dose 1:100
  • Holding Tanks: 8 oz per 1,000 gal capacity weekly; charge once tank is emptied; dilute recommended dose 1:100
  • Odor Control: included in all treatment levels

For Best Results

  • Treat consistently using an automatic feed system
  • Proper circulation or aeration where applicable
  • Increase dilution upon application to enhance product performance


Translucent amber liquid

Active Ingredients

Orb-3 Wastewater Treatment Enzyme is a proprietary composition "not considered hazardous" under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard CFR Title 29 1900.1200.

Shelf Life

Store this product out of direct sunlight in a cool dry area. For best results, use within 12 months.

PH As Shipped

3.8 – 4.2 @ 77° F (25° C)

HMIS Hazard Rating



  • TSCA Inventory Status: This product and/or all of its components are either included on or exempt from the TSCA Inventory of Chemical Substances.
  • DSL (Canada): This product and/or all of its components are either included on or exempt from the Domestic Substances List.

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Orb-3 Wastewater Treatment Enzyme combines the speed of this broad-based, non-bacterial enzyme with powerful non-ionic surfactants that work together to emulsify and cleave organic contaminants so they will not reform downstream.

Orb-3 Wastewater Treatment Enzyme naturally stimulates indigenous or augmented bacteria in a system allowing them to quickly double or triple plate counts. This ramp up increases digestion which decreases measurable BOD, COD, TSS, TPH, FOG, etc. Once the Orb-3 Wastewater Treatment Enzyme has reduced the contaminant into assimilate-able food for bacteria, efficient remediation becomes attainable.

To optimize a closed loop, batch or flow-through system, the Orb-3 products select surfactants break surface tension in the substrate in tandem with the Orb-3 enzyme's ability to cleave fat, oil, grease, sugar and starch molecules making their basic components available to support the biological process present. Treat flow-proportionately to achieve consistently positive results.

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