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DTM1000 | Dry Trace Mineral / Amino Acid Complex for Dry Feed & Aquaculture Ponds

SKU: G176-000-18KG
Type: SFS

DTM1000 acts as a prebiotic and is designed to re-balance the trace minerals that are lacking in today’s shrimp/fish nutrition and culturing environment.

When applied continuously in feed, at the pondside or feed mill, DTM1000 replaces deficient trace minerals, acts as a stress reliever, and also as a Mycotoxin Binder. DTM1000 enriches finished feed, and the pond environment, thus enhancing growth curves in shrimp and finfish during culture.


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DTM1000 is a custom blended product from natural resources and then fortified by incorporating a unique formula of amino acids into it. DTM1000 lowers the incidence of environmental contamination and provides the animals a balance of trace minerals that are not normally available in the feed nor in their environment.

DTM1000 also provides excellent enrichment of soils and water during pond preparation and ongoing culture. Ingredients in DTM1000 have known capabilities to increase feed efficiency and naturally promote probiotic performance.

  • Acts as a prebiotic and improves bio-availability of feed
  • Improves balance of acid/base relations with amino acids
  • Improves soil C:N ratio encouraging microbial activity
  • Decreases stress
  • Enhances zooplankton health, reducing toxicity

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18.18-kg Pail

Ship Weight: 19 kg

Pails per Pallet: 36-40


18.18-kg  Bag

Ship Weight: 19 kg

Bags per Pallet: 55


1-Metric Ton Pallet

Bag Count: 55

Ship Weight: 1050 kg



Normal Trace Mineral Level:
Use 0.5ml/kg of feed or 500ml/MT (feed continuously)

Stress Trace Mineral Level:
Use 1.0ml/kg of feed or 1.0 L/MT (feed continuously as needed)

Soil Enrichment:

Pond Water Enrichment:

Request more detailed instructions from GLB or from your dealer.

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What is the difference between DTM1000 and LTM1000? + -

DTM1000 (dry) and LTM1000 (liquid) are almost identical in terms of mineral values and presence, although one is in dry powder form and the other is in liquid form. 

Dry powder is preferred when appling to a pond environment; however liquid form is preferred when using to enrich feeds. 

The main difference in these two formats lies in the physical ability of the DTM1000 to carry charged ions in its surfaces. These charges can significantly improve competitive exclusion vs pathogens within the animal or in a pond environment.

I can do my own trace mineral blend, so what makes DTM1000 a superior product? + -

DTM1000 contains over 80 different macro and trace minerals that are needed in specific amounts to maintain both animal health and pond health. This combination of minerals is then sprayed with a broad-based amino acids which will enable these minerals to be absorbed easily by shrimp or fish, and by beneficial bacteria for energy and replication. Thus achieving systemic balance in animals and environmental balance in the pond. 

How much DTM1000 is needed to achieve systemic balance in shrimp or environmental balance in ponds? + -

Since DTM1000 is concentrated, a little goes a long way. Generally, 0.5 – 1.0 g/kg of feed would be sufficient, and an intermittent or weekly application of 5kg per hectare would suffice.

What is the benefit of chelation of the minerals in DTM1000? + -

Chelation of the raw materials in DTM1000 enables shrimp, fish and even beneficial bacteria to utilize these minerals more efficiently into their systems. Efficient utilization of minerals in the diet or in the environment means lower costs due to lower dosing protocols.


Derived from several natural sources, DTM1000 is a custom blend of 80 different macro and trace minerals that is then fortified by incorporating in the blend a unique formula of amino acids to create a chelating effect. 

DTM1000 is likewise recommended as a soil and pond water enrichment. Pond enrichment of soils and water using trace minerals has been proven to enhance growth in shrimp and finfish.



Handling and Storage

Apply only as intended. Though this product is non-toxic and nonhazardous, it is not suitable for human consumption. The manufacturer assumes no liability, expressed or implied, in the use of this product.

Store this product out of direct sunlight in a cool (under 38° C) dry area. 

For best results, use within 24 months. Request DTM1000 SDS for more specific information. 

Made in USA.


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